Group Study Room Reservations

The Room Reservations page on the Library website is the main landing page for starting your reservation. Please use a laptop for the best experience.

25Live Overview

Johns Hopkins uses 25Live to manage room booking for all purposes, including events, classes, and group study. The primary function of 25Live is to manage room bookings for classes and events. Group study room management is a bonus feature, and the user interface has a learning curve.

Learn more about 25Live for event booking on the Student Affairs website

Library Group Study Room Policies

  •     Reservations can be made by Johns Hopkins students.
  •     The availability window is 48 hours from the current time, rolling over every hour.
  •     Maximum duration for a booking is 2 hours, once per day.
  •     You may book up to 4 reservations per week.


  • BLC 2030, 2040, 2047, 4040, 5015, and 5017 are not reservable in 25Live. If these rooms are open and not in use by library staff or a class, they may be used for studying on a walk-in basis.
  • Group study rooms in Brody are not reservable faculty or staff.
  • Reservations have priority over walk-ins.
  • J-card swipe is required for entry.
  • If a room is not occupied within the first 10 minutes of the reservation block, the room is then free for walk-in use.

25Live Instructions

Book a group study room in the Brody Learning Commons

  1. Go to the availability grid view of Brody rooms
  2. Select a time slot, and drag for a duration of up to 2 hours
  3. Enter a name for your reservation, which will only be visible to you
  4. Save your reservation

Reservations can not be changed or deleted.

To check if your booking was successful:

  • If you received a confirmation email, your booking was successful. OR:
  1. In the top navigation, click "25Live" to go to your personal Dashboard.
  2. Look for the following alert:
    Screenshot of 25Live showing your upcoming events
  3. A single group study reservation will appear with you as both Requestor and Scheduler.
  4. Click on either to find the event details.

Search for other rooms

There are other reservable rooms in Hopkins buildings. From your 25Live Dashboard, you can search for locations in two ways.

  1. Locations Search, from the 25Live Dashboard or 25Live search page. Locations has a blue cube icon.
    Screenshot of 25Live Quick Search
  2. Express Scheduling - Express Locations. Search for the room you want to book.
    Screenshot of 25Live express scheduling form


When you click on a time in the availability grid and the Express Scheduling form does not pop-up:

  • Check that you are trying to book within the 48-hour availability window.
  • If you are JH student, there may be a configuration issue with your account. Email for assistance.
  • If you are not a JH student, this is expected behavior; room reservations are only allowed by students.

Your reservation details are not Private:

For members of student groups responsible for booking events in 25Live, if you save your event in the wrong folder it will be publicly visible.

Your reservation is marked "Tentative":

If you used the Long Form to book your reservation it will be saved with the label "Tentative." This label does not apply to the status of your booking.

It is a label that is intended for use by programs booking big events to communicate the event status with the rooms manager. You can ignore this label.