While most of the library's services are free for you, there are fees for damaged or lost items. Keep your account in good standing by either paying for lost or damaged item, or providing an exact replacement copy in good condition. If you have an outstanding balance on your account, your library account may be blocked. Please e-mail circmail@jhu.libanswers.com with any questions.
Item | Amount |
Overdue recalled item | $1.00/day |
Overdue 2-, 4-, or 24-hour Reserves | $1/hour |
Overdue 3- or 7-day Reserves | $5/day |
Maximum overdue fine per item | $25.00 |
Standard replacement fee for lost item | $100 You may opt to replace the book with an exact copy in good condition. |
Please email circmail@jhu.libanswers.com