Answered By: Deborah Slingluff
Last Updated: Nov 09, 2023     Views: 11578

BORROW DIRECT - JHU is part of a consortium -- consisting of the Ivy League, MIT, Chicago, Duke and Stanford-- whose members lend books to one another.

1.     What is Borrow Direct?

Borrow Direct is often the best way to borrow PRINT books, printed musical scores and DVDs that are NOT available from the JHU libraries.

Note: You can't get articles through this service.

2.     Who can use Borrow Direct?

Any current Johns Hopkins student, faculty, or staff member who is eligible for interlibrary loan borrowing services through Johns Hopkins and has an active JHED ID and password. 

3.     What are the differences between Borrow Direct and Interlibrary Loan?

  • Borrow Direct is usually faster; materials typically arrive in 5-6 business days
  • You can request items that are owned by Johns Hopkins Libraries that are not available (they may be missing, checked out, or on course reserves)

4.     What is the loan period for materials from Borrow Direct?

Loan period is 16 weeks with no renewals. You may have to return items early if they are needed for course reserves.

5.     How long does it take Borrow Direct materials to arrive?

Usually 5-6 business days. Materials are all delivered to Eisenhower Library. For delivery to another JHU location, add one more business day, because our courier must deliver it. You will receive an e-mail when your request is available for pick-up.

6.     What types of materials are available from BorrowDirect?

  • PRINT Books and printed music (scores) that are not owned or available at Johns Hopkins
  • DVD's that are not owned or available at Johns Hopkins

7.     What types of materials are NOT requestable from Borrow Direct, even though they appear in your list of search results?

  • Materials that are available in the Johns Hopkins Libraries collections
  • Journal articles and journal volumes
  • E-books
  • Microforms
  • Videos
  • Maps
  • Special Collections  

8.     How do I use the system?

  1. Search the JHU catalog (Catalyst) to make sure that we do not have the item you want.
  2. Search the Borrow Direct catalog (enter your JHED ID to take you to the search page).
  3. Find the item that you want
  4. Look at the little symbol on the far right of the page to make sure that your book is NOT an e-book; we can't borrow e-books (yet)
  5. Select a pick-up location, and click REQUEST.
  6. If BorrowDirect can NOT supply the item, you will see a link to JHU's ILL service.  Select the appropriate request form, and the information about the item you want will be added to the form automatically.

9.   If I am visiting a BorrowDirect member library, can I borrow books while I'm there?

Yes.  Present your Hopkins campus ID card and log into your Hopkins Interlibrary Loan account to show your current  status. Once verified, you may check out materials under the member library's borrowing policies. If for some reason, you aren't able to log into your Johns Hopkins Interlibrary loan, please e-mail, so we can work with you to get you verified to the other BorrowDirect member library ahead of your office. 

If you have questions about or need help with Borrow Direct, please email


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