Answered By: Margaret Burri
Last Updated: Apr 10, 2024     Views: 6361

There are two reasons you can get a Permission Denied message when you try to access library resources remotely.

1. You've graduated and have an inactive status

(You'll see that explanation in the message returned to you). Students who have graduated or otherwise have an inactive status cannot access library resources remotely.

Off-campus access to library resources is typically restricted by our database licenses to current students, faculty, and staff of JHU. To help address post-graduation access, the Alumni Association and the libraries have partnered to create Hopkins KnowledgeNet, the Alumni Online Library. 

This online library is free to all JHU alumni. Access academic journals, e-books and more! For further information, call 410-516-0363 or 1-800-JHU-JHU1

2. You don't have a campus affiliation set in your profile

(Message will be that you don't have access due to your campus affiliation). You will need to log into myJHU , select "My Profile" and select a Primary Campus in your profile.  If you are only taking classes on-llne, choose "Homewood" as your campus. 

Don't forget to hit "save" when you're done.  It may take up to 24 hours for the change to take effect.

You may also want to check out this video.

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