Answered By: Margaret Burri
Last Updated: Sep 01, 2022     Views: 1834

While we accept some donations, they must support the research mission of the university. Donated materials become the property of the Libraries and we reserve the right to add or dispose of the materials.

We do not accept titles inappropriate to an academic collection, including, but not limited to: fragmentary runs of journals; books that are underlined, mutilated, in poor condition; self-published books; old textbooks; out of date reference material; collected editions of popular writers; or titles duplicating existing library holdings.

If a gift is unsolicited, we will not notify the donor of our decision to keep or reject it. We will not return material if it is not accepted. It can be dropped off at the Service Desk.

Please do not drop off any unsolicited artwork at the University for review.  Due to art insurance restrictions, such deliveries will be refused.  The University is not responsible for any unsolicited art or submission materials left or delivered. They can be directed to Cultural Properties (Jackie O'Regan; 410-516-8639) for gift offers, but we cannot take possession of any art that has not been offered through this office.

Gifts over $5000 will receive an acknowledgement.  They must also include an independent appraisal from a reputable appraiser at the donor's expense. Under no circumstances will the Libraries  provide the donor with a valuation or appraisal of the collection.

Though we do not endorse them, these sites may be helpful to you in finding an appraiser or learning more about your books:

Gifts Process

Potential donors of library collections should contact the library's Development Office (410-516-8327), which will refer the donor either to the Associate Director, Collections and Academic Services,  [Elizabeth Mengel, 410-516-0809] or an appropriate subject specialist.

Unsolicited gifts:  For questions about donations covering a specific subject area, consult our subject liaisons.


Comments (1)

  1. Thanks for this great information You can also add your used books/textbooks in:
    by Sophia on Apr 27, 2020

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