Answered By: Jessica Keyes
Last Updated: Jun 25, 2024     Views: 1610

Requesting a Book

The Eisenhower Library Book Pickup Shelf is the default pick-up location for library users registered on Homewood campus. Other users may also pick up books here by selecting this location from the drop-down in the request options. Users can also select any other location in the list.

Books on the book pickup shelf are reserved for users who request them, and they will already be checked out when they are picked up.

Picking up a Book

Get directions to the MSE Library Annex.

If you have an active JCard

The Eisenhower Library Book Pickup Shelf is located on the second level of the MSE Library Annex, located in the building formerly known as the Johns Hopkins Club. The entrance faces the parking lot. Take the stairs or elevator to the second floor and the Pick Up Shelf is on your right. Books are sorted alphabetically by last name. If you have requested more than 10 books, your books may be put into bins on the lower shelves or held in overflow shelving behind the Service Desk.

If you do not have an active JCard

Contact us to arrange a pick up time to retrieve your item from the Service Desk:

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Text us: 410-692-8874
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