Answered By: Sue Vazakas
Last Updated: Jan 14, 2021     Views: 851

Some of the library's holdings cannot be requested through the catalog.

These will be labeled as

  • "non-circulating" (meaning that they can't be checked out, because they can't leave the library building), or
  • "non-requestable" (meaning that maybe they CAN be checked out, but they still can't be requested through the catalog)

Some examples of items that either cannot be checked out or can't be requested through the catalog are:

  • Books in one of the Reference sections
  • Special Collections holdings
  • Current periodicals or journals, including unbound newspapers
  • Reserves
  • Maps
  • Most items being treated by the Conservation Department
  • "Bound-with" volumes (however, the Service Desk staff can identify the requestable part of those and help you to make the request)

If you have a question about something with the label "non-requestable" or "non-circulating," please contact

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