Ask A Librarian: DC Library
Hopkins access to free or discounted "dot com" newspaper and magazine sites
Most newspapers and journals are available to Johns Hopkins students, faculty and staff through platforms like ProQuest or Nexis Uni. Use the Catalyst Journal / Newspaper title search to find JH Libraries newspaper and journal subscriptions. The News and Newspapers guide also offers online news sources available through databases.
JH does have "dot com" access to these sites, which require JHED login via JH links:
- Chronicle of Higher Education
- The Diplomat
- Economist (First time users should choose "SSO" login and enter jhu email. After the first time, you'll only need to select institution. JH affiliates can also use the Economist app. More info)
- Foreign Affairs
- Foreign Policy
- Nikkei Asia
Free access to current JH affiliates via account set-up:
- The Baltimore Banner: First-time users must register with for a free personal account, using your Hopkins email address using the format.
- Financial Times Digital Edition: The first time you click on the link, register to create an account using your JH email. After you set that up, you can login to like a regular subscriber.
- New York Times Digital Edition: JH affiliates can register for free NYT content. This version works with desktop computers, tablets, mobile devices and the NYT app, but not with Kindle. Details on canceling a prior personal account can be found under Tips and Troubleshooting. The Hopkins digital edition does not include Cooking, Games or Wirecutter content.
- Wall Street The first time you click on the link, register to create a personal account using your JH email. After you set that up, you can login to like a regular subscriber.
- Washington Post Digital Edition: Hopkins affiliates should click on "Sign In" to register for an account. Use your JH email and create your own password. Verify your email via a link sent from Wapo to your email account. More setup info
NOTE: If you have an existing Washington Post account with a JHU email address, click on "Account Settings," and then "Account Access" to make sure your JHU email address has been verified. Then click on "Subscription and Billing" to activate free digital access.
More information:
- As of Winter 2024, Hopkins does not have "dot com" access to Bloomberg News or The Atlantic, though they are considered "wish list" titles.
- Press Reader offers the most recent three months of content from many international newspapers and magazines, including some tabloids.
- As always, please contact a librarian if you have any questions.
Comments (8)
These instructions are vastly improved - thank you for taking another look. Will you inform when and if Bloomberg and the Atlantic become available? Thank you for this great service.
Thanks Patrick! Yes for sure on the two you mentioned. They are still on the wish list, but we know they're of high value to the Hopkins community. If and when we get access, we'll add them to this list.
More instructions for NYT would be helpful. I eventually got it by searching NYT FAQ for "group subscription", selecting JHU, then following the steps, but I first failed the SSO process a few times.
Thanks, Abby. We'll test to potentially add more detail based on your experience. Appreciate the feedback!
Is there an SSO login option for the Foreign Affairs app?
Can we get the new yorker
Lauren - as of now, we only have it through platforms like EBSCO Academic Search Ultimate - not quite what you are asking for. The dot com costs for a university (not just for this title are always tricky within our budget.
Good question, David, As of now, no, but I am going to ask our team to see if that could be arranged.